Board of Commissioners

Regular Meetings

Meeting Calendar

The Cherokee County Board of Commissioners holds a regular meeting on the third Monday of each month at 6:30 PM, unless otherwise posted. The current meeting calendar can be viewed at the link above. Meetings are held at the Cherokee County Courthouse, located at 75 Peachtree Street, Murphy, NC 28906.

Meeting Minutes

View Posted Meeting Minutes

Watch County Commission Meetings

County Commission meetings can be viewed on the Cherokee Scout Facebook page, or on Local TV 4 cable channel and Local TV 4 Facebook page.

Request to be on Agenda
Funding requests or county-related issues for which the Board of County Commissioners has statutory authority to act upon may be placed on a meeting agenda for consideration.

Persons interested in having a matter placed on a commission meeting agenda must complete an agenda request form and must provide supporting documentation at the time of form submission. Requests without supporting documentation will be denied. 

The agenda request form can be accessed here, or by e-mailing the Clerk to the Board at Requests must be received by the Clerk to the Board ten (10) days prior to the requested meeting date. Qualifying agenda requests will be placed on the next available agenda. Agenda confirmation will be provided to the requester, within five (5) days of the requested meeting date. 

If a request to be on the agenda is denied, the requester can attend and speak during the public forum portion of the meeting, if the topic is a county-related issue or county-related business matter.