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Explorer Program
Law Enforcement Exploring is a Boy Scouts of America program that provides high school students an opportunity to explore a career in law enforcement. This work-based program is part of the Learning for Life's Career Education program and focuses on building life skills and gaining leadership experience.
Gun Permits
When you are issued a permit to purchase a handgun, it is the Sheriff's duty to ensure that permits are issued only to responsible, law-abiding applicants. A great deal of effort has gone into achieving this end.
Marble Springs Outdoor Education Area
The Marble Springs Outdoor Education Area is being developed to serve school students, local and regional groups promoting outdoor learning and enjoyment, and the general public. It provides an active learning environment dedicated to conserving the natural history and cultural heritage of the Marble Springs community.
Neighborhood Watch
The Sheriff's Office utilized grant funds to take advantage of a national training, offered by the National Sheriffs' Association, and gained extensive training in establishing Neighborhood Watches that can be catered to each community.
Public Fingerprint Services
The Cherokee County Sheriff's Office offers non-criminal fingerprinting as a service to the citizens of Cherokee County. The fingerprinting service is available at anytime, however you may be asked to leave and return at a more convenient time.
Safer Senior
The Sheriff’s Office partnered with the J. Robert Penland Senior Center in creating Safer Senior, a program that allows citizens to ‘register’ their medical and contact information with 911 Communications.