The Rock Gym is currently undergoing an ADA bathroom renovation project, and is closed until further notice.
Cherokee County Recreation Department and Konehete Park are dedicated to the following:
To continue to build and maintain new facilities for future enjoyment by the Citizens of Cherokee County.
To continue to maintain facilities on Konehete Park for cleanliness, and safety for enjoyment by all citizens of Cherokee County.
To provide citizens of all ages (children/adults) of Cherokee County, regardless of age, race, or sex with recreational programs for fun and a healthier Cherokee County. If we do not offer a program of interest, call Phillip Davis, Director, and let us see how many other citizens are interested in the same program.
If no one is in the office, please leave a message, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Senior Games / SilverArts is a holistic approach to keeping the body, mind and spirit fit while enjoying the company of family, spectators and volunteers.